National Education Speaker
Vicki Empowers Educators to Motivate
and Inspire Their Students!
Tired of boring in-services?
Vicki will present one of the most EXCITING, MOTIVATING, CONTENT
FILLED, CHALLENGING, ENGAGING and FUNNY in-services your district
has ever had!
This is not just an in-service, this is an EXPERIENCE!
Each year, Vicki ENERGIZES thousands of educators nationwide
with her POWERFUL and DYNAMIC presentations. Her goal is consistent:
to INSPIRE educators to MOTIVATE students to their highest potential
each and every classroom day.
Vicki speaks to administrators, classroom teachers, colleges,
universities and district support staff, food service, maintenance
and transportation personnel. Vicki believes in reaching every
person in a district who touches children’s lives. She
has a B.A. in Speech Communications and radio/television. Her
background as a speech communications teacher, education and
business consultant, professional speaker, humorist, songwriter,
author and owner of her own company brings wisdom, experience
and knowledge to her presentations and the writing of the book,
“Life Would Be Easy if it Weren’t for Other People”.
Vicki uses high content, motivation, inspiration and humor to
tackle the important professional and personal issues in the
world of education. Vicki touches the hearts and minds of every
audience member and always leaves them wanting MORE!
received the Texas Congress
of Parents and Teachers Honorary
Life Membership Award in recognition
of her outstanding and distinguished
service to children.
She is also the co-author of the nationally
acclaimed Teacher Guarantee.
Vicki’s Presentations
are OUTSTANDING at Any Educational Event!
• All District Staff Development Programs • School
District Teacher Inservices • Leadership Conferences •
School and College Administrators Conferences • Faculty/Staff
Meetings • Convocation Presentations • Support Staff
Retreats • School Food Service Presentations • Counselor
Conferences • Freshman Orientation Programs • Welcome
Week Programs • More
The Challenge Series
If We're Going to Win This Race, We
Need to Run in the Same Direction!
Challenge: Creating a Team for Success
Imagine if you will... people working together in a positive
environment, sharing ideas, taking risks, supporting one another,
resolving conflicts face to face, and treating others with dignity
and respect. Does this sound like the Twilight Zone? If so,
this information-packed, dynamic presentation is for you! Positive
attitudes and a commitment to cooperation are essential to the
success of any team -- at work or at home. Excellent keynote
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Life Would Be Easy If It Weren't for Other
Challenge: Dealing With Difficult People
Life is full of difficult people, situations and demands, but
we never quite learn to live with them. This fast-paced, entertaining
session explores the differences between men and women, touches
on marriage and parenting, and then moves into the workplace
describing the whiner, tattler, gossiper, complainer, and the
employee who says, "That's not my job". Though humorous
and motivational, this presentation is full of information and
techniques that can be applied immediately to home and work
to help people build better relationships, open lines of communication,
and enjoy life a little bit more.
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Self Esteem and the Six-Second Secret
Challenge: Developing a Personal Foundation
for Student Success
Self esteem is much more than simply feeling good about oneself.
People with high self esteem are accountable for their own actions,
accept responsibility for their performance, behavior and attitudes,
and treat others with dignity and respect. One of the most popular
presentations within the Challenge Series, the profoundly simple
“six-second secret” can dramatically impact a teacher’s
day-to-day communication patterns that characterize their classrooms.
Learn the powerful three-step approach that can change any student’s
difficult behavior into a WINNING ATTITUDE!
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Everybody Thinks They Can Do My Job,
But Nobody Wants It!
Challenge: Successful, Effective Leadership
Successful managers must address the need for better customer
service, the demand for higher quality and the cry for consistent
leadership. This workshop is designed to empower business managers
in the vital areas of building a successful team, conflict resolution,
interpersonal communication skills, employee morale, a winning
attitude, burnout, self esteem in the workplace and effective
performance appraisals.
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The Art of Positive Parent Teacher Conferences
Challenge: Better Communication Between
Teachers and Parents
Many of us as teachers never took college courses on communicating
with parents. And as many teachers know, your first difficult
parent conference can be enough to scare you into never wanting
to do one again. In this insightful presentation, Vicki shares
techniques to empower teachers to conduct positive and beneficial
conferences with any parent they may come in contact with. Learn
how to take control of every conference and make it become a
WINNING situation!
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The Teacher Guarantee
Challenge: Creating a Master Teacher
In this fast-paced yet thought provoking presentation, Vicki
challenges teachers to take a hard look at their teaching style
and attitude in the classroom. As co-author of the powerful
“Teacher Guarantee”, Vicki leads teachers through
the ten things every master teacher should be doing to be able
to provide our students with the best classroom leaders in the
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Lead Your Way Into the Future!
Challenge: Motivating Students to Take
Charge of Their Life
Start the year off right with this DYNAMIC and POWERFUL student
oriented presentation. Vicki motivates students to prepare for
the school year ahead of them by having them explore their own
unique personality, talents and skills that will lead them into
the future. Learn three valuable skills in college that will
take you to the top: Communication, Leadership and Positive
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Vicki Sanderson to your next teacher, school district,
administrator or college event!
More presentation topics include: |
- How to take charge and still
be a loving Principal
- Managing the marginal teacher
- The challenge of change
- Classroom management
- Improving faculty morale
- Team building
- Conflict resolution
- At risk students
- Interpersonal communications
- Making effective presentations
- Self esteem in the work place
- Dynamic and powerful teaching
“The universal cry is ‘bigger room’! Every
time you present for Texas Elementary Principals and upervisors
events, we get the same response from our attendees. As a result,
it comes as no surprise when the evaluations are tallied, that
folks want us to bring you back again and again.”
Gretchen Ricker, Associate Executive Director, TEPSA
“Thanks to you, the district seminar held was a great
and sometimes howling success! What a way to start the year!
You held the teachers spellbound with your challenges to believe
in themselves, develop positive attitudes with their co-workers,
students and families.”
Lee Ash, Director, San Angelo Public Schools
“Vicki gave one of the best inservice workshops we have
attended in 27 years.”
Ed & Nancy Richard, Locust Music Dept.
“I want to thank you from the aspect of a workshop coordinator.
When a workshop starts off in such a positive
fashion, I know that it will be easier to have a membership
that is pleased with the program. You made my job very enjoyable
with such a tremendous start!”
Coordinator of Professional Activities, Minnesota
Association of Secondary School Principals
“The greatest pleasure of this day has been visiting
with teachers on the different campuses and listening to their
glowing comments regarding your inspiring presentation yesterday.
Teachers are an amazingly resilient and optimistic breed and
you certainly
represent the very best of the profession.”
James B. Warner, Jasper Independent School District
“Your distinguished lecture was a hit evidenced by the
number of folks who kept bringing in chairs from the next room.
What a great response from the participants.”
Gretchen Ricker, TEPSA
“Your presentations consistently received the highest
rating by the participants!”
Julian Shaddix, TASSP
“Your ears have probably burned off this morning. Everyone
has been singing your praises like crazy!”
–Mark Lukert, Jefferson Elementary
